Develop Property

At Frasers Property Indsutrial Thailand , we understand that your business is unique, and so are your warehousing needs. That's why we o er a 'Built-to-Suit' warehousesolution – a space designed specifically to meet your requirements, enabling you to optimizeyour operations like never before.

≈ 470,000 sqm

Total area

30 projects

built to suit project

With a 'Built-to-Suit' warehouse, you're in control.

You get to decide how your space is designed, where it's located, and how it functions.

It's a personalized solution that enables you to operate at your best,

delivering enhancede ciency and cost-e ectiveness.

Show case

The first omnichannel distribution center for Central Retail


Frases property Logistics center (Bangplee 6), Samut prakan

75,000 sqm



• a high storage zone of 25-metre clear height

• hybrid design for future expansion supporting up to 10tons per square meter

• a 15-meter clear height area supporting cross-dockoperation

• advanced operational technologies such as automated storage and retrieval systems (ASRS)

• Designing an environmentally friendly building certified to LEED standards.

• Amenities : Fitness center, a breakout area, a running track,a futsal court and a canteen



• Thailand Award at the Real Estate Asia Awards 2022 for demonstrating innovation in the development of Central Retail’s Omnichannel Distribution Center

• LEED Certificated


The Multi-Temperature Distribution Center for HAVI Logistics Thailand


Frases property Logistics center (Bangplee 2), Samut prakan




  • 33,000 sqm. Ambient & Cold Chain Warehouse
  •  Adopt Automated Storage & Retrieval System (ASRS): less labor, lower unit operation cost, higher efficiency, real time data



LEED Gold-level certification 
highlight functionality based on the following five performance categories:

  • Sustainable sites – A location that provides convenient and easy transportation and accessibility.
  • Water efficiency – Water-saving sanitaryware for indoor water use.
  • Energy and atmosphere – Clean energy using solar photovoltaic cells to reduce electricity consumption and minimize carbon emissions from electric power generation.


The Fully Automated High Bay Distribution Center for F&N Dairies Thailand


Rojana Industrial Park Ayutaya

20,000 sqm.


High Efficiency Operation

Optimize the use of space and increase overall operational efficeincy in logistics and distribution.

The construction and design of buildings adhere to green building policies, aiming to significantly minimize environmental impact while prioritizing people's well-being. The office design fosters flexibility to accommodate various workplace arrangements.


Sustainability Warehouse

  • Solar panels to support the electricity consumption
  • Well ventilation of thebuilding
  • Less folklift operation for reduction CO2 emission.